This research work empirically explored the perception of mass media as tools for sensitizing rural dwellers about Corona virus in Nigeria. The objectives of this study were to examine the level of COVID-19 media awareness to the rural populace in Oyo state, ascertain if the media campaign created a reasonable level of mass awareness of COVID-19 epidemic, causes, effects, prevention and vaccination in the rural communities of Oyo state; identify if the awareness made any positive impact on the health behaviour of rural people in Oyo state. The study was limited to Ogbomosho North of Oyo state while information theory was adopted as a framework. The research design employed for this study is survey while the target population consists of all residents of the six communities in Ogbomosho north selected in addition to all health care workers in the primary health care facilities situated there. 30 rural dwellers were used as sample size and cluster sampling technique was applied. Instrument used for this study is the questionnaire. Data collected were collected from primary sources. From the analysis of the data, the findings shows that COVID-19 media awareness in Oyo state was accessible to the rural populace, media campaign (radio, television, newspaper and internet) created a reasonable level of mass awareness on COVID-19 epidemic, causes, effects and vaccination in the rural communities of Oyo state. The awareness made positive impact on the health behaviour of rural people in Oyo state. Following the findings, it was recommended that media campaign created on COVID-19 epidemic, causes, effects and prevention and vaccination in the rural communities should be pushed further so it can get to the rest that have not heard of the disease, people should adhere to the instructions given to them by the media house. The study concludes that mass media has strong impact on the people.
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